House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the words right out of my mouth.  The words she spoke are similar to what I used for my sons and also use to guide the parents of my patients.  These four words can make or break the trajectory of a child’s life.  Evidently, the same four words are able to corral an incorrigible President as well.  Just speaking the words is not enough.  They must be backed up with prompt action without a hint of fear.  I share the four words with parents at the two week check-up.  The earlier parents comprehend the importance of relaying these words to a child, the better it is not only for the parent but for society in general.  What four words you ask?  THE ANSWER IS NO!

Proverbs 29:15
15 The rod and reproof give wisdom,
    but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.

Speaker Pelosi told President Trump “No!”  She undergirded that no by making sure every single Democratic Representative said no as well.  If that was not enough, she made sure the President knew who was in charge on Capitol Hill by uninviting him to address the congress for the customary State Of The Union Address.  The Speaker showed no fear.  She did not care what other’s said or thought.  She did not care that most thought she would never rescind an invitation to the President to give the State of the Union Address.  Madame Speaker said, “The answer is no.” 

The rod and reproof can be translated to mean, “The answer is no.”  Children who hear these words from their parents early in their lives have a better than average chance of becoming productive members of society and more apt to recognize the authority of God.  A child left to their own devices and proclivities with no boundaries in place wreak havoc on their family and their community.  No parent wants to be ashamed of a child.  I recommend what Speaker Pelosi said, “The answer is NO” and mean it!


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