Expect Potholes

San Antonio had an unexpected snow storm in mid-December.  We did not see it coming.  I opened my front door to picture of winter wonderland in South Texas.  A few days later, the roads were cracked with scattered potholes.  After snow and ice, roadways give way.  Potholes occur due to the expansion and contraction of ground water after is has entered into the ground under the pavement.  Drivers know to expect potholes after inclement weather.  We do not stop driving.  We go around the potholes or at least we should to prevent damage to our car’s rims, tires and suspension.  After snow, look for the potholes, take evasive action and keep on trucking.
Psalm 118:24
24 This is the day that the Lord has made
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Expect trouble. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart, I have overcome the world. “John16:33. Every day, we may experience unexpected potholes. No one is exempt.  As Christians we have been given peace because Our God has already repaired the potholes.  We just cannot see the repairs with our limited vision but the victory has been won.  Start each day with this understanding, then you will be able to rejoice and be glad in whatever the day brings.  Do not retreat from life, expect the potholes, be thankful and keep on living. In a few days, you will see that the pothole has been covered.



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