God is the Key

It's a new year and I'm driving a new car.  It takes some getting use to when you have become comfortable with the routine of the same gauges, mechanics and audio system.  I knew everything about the old car so I pretty much functioned on automatic.  There was no need to check the owner's manual, no reason to think about how to turn anything on and no consideration of whether I was competent to troubleshoot any malfunctions.  I knew how to handle that car.  Which brings me to why I had a problem opening the trunk of my new car this afternoon.  I needed to get a box out of the car.  I went into the garage and tried to open the trunk.  It would not budge.  Well, I remembered the box I needed was in the back seat anyway so I attempted to open the back door.  It would not budge.  I had just walked out there not having considered how I was going to gain access to this new car.  My old car was always unlocked in the garage so I assumed this one would be too.  Not so, a key was required. 

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”(John 15:5)

Without the key, I could do nothing.  What I use to do out of habit was no longer workable.   Life will not open up  and function as God intended without the Key.  We cannot work, love, raise families and grow unless we have the Key.  If things are not going as you think they should,  it might be because you are trying to live life under your own volition without the Key.  Unlock the chains that have kept you from an abundant life in Christ by taking hold of the Key through prayer, worship, study of his word and fellowship with other believers.  God is the Key that unlocks life and only then will your bear much fruit for without Him, you can do nothing.  


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